Sunday, April 04, 2010

Alleluia! Christ Is Risen!

He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

O God, on this day you unlocked the way to eternity by conquering death for us through your only Son.

Promise that you will therefore help us to pursue this new hope which you have inspired in us.

Through the same Jesus Christ, your Son our Lord. He lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


Deus, qui hodierna die per Unigenitum tuum aeternitatis nobis aditum devicta morte reserasti: vota nostra, quae praeveniendo aspiras, etiam adjuvando prosequere. Per eumdem Dominum.

Photo: Easter 2009, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of Peoria

The Gelasian Collect (Prayer of the Day) for Easter Day, as found and translated in Prayers for the Eucharistic Gathering, by Eugene Andrew Lehrke. as prayed at Zion at both the 6:30 am and 10 am services.

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